Reflection on Topic 1

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#MANG2049 have changed my views about the Web. Reading through my friends’ blog, each and every one of them has different viewpoints. All of them are right and there is no correct answer in this sense. Digital difference is something that we cannot avoid. Everyone is brought up differently and have their own set of perspective.

There are 4 main takeaways from Topic 1 which are as following:

Balance – We have to strive for balance when dealing with the digital world. There are cases of addiction and health issues derive. People get lost in the virtual world and neglect their health. Therefore, a balance is needed when using the Web.

Learning – The internet is a useful tool for learning. It enhances learning by providing more information and visual aids. As quoted from Rebecca – “Allowing me to learn online at my own pace as well as practice independent learning by figuring out ways to aid my learning through the Web.”

Motivation – One of the most important factors that affect learning whether using or not using technology. As quoted from Amoz – “It is possible that self-will can seek to surpass that, depending on an individual will.”

Guidance – Living in a country where internet is easily accessible, guidance is needed for our younger generations to learn how to be online responsible as well as learn how to use technology effectively.

In conclusion, the internet is a powerful tool for learning. As quoted from Shih Ying – “Studies have shown that by using technology-enabled learning, it allows learners to tap on resources and expertise anywhere around the world. (US, Department of Education, 2017)” But we can only learn so much based on the level of motivation. Hence, we need guidance and achieve a balance when using the Web.

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Looking back when my parents was a kid, the Web seems so foreign. But compared to me, the Web seems otherwise. Through Prensky (2011) theory, everyone is either natives or immigrants. But now times have changed, as the Web is incorporated into our daily life.

Samuel (2017) suggest that there are 3 distinct groups of young people based on how parents manage their kids’ use of technology in very different ways.

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Digital Orphans – have grown up with a great deal of tech access but very little guidance.

Digital Exiles – are at the opposite extreme, they have been raised with minimal technology.

Digital Heirs –  have impressive tech skills, thanks largely to their parents and teachers.

Being in a well-to-do family, I was fortunate to have access to the Web. I would consider myself as in between orphans and heirs. My parents would not limit my usage and they gave me the freedom to explore. At the same time, they would teach me on how to use it responsibly.


The digital world has enhanced my learning. For example, doing a research. In the past, people would have to go to the library and find articles. But now, we would just have to search it online. Digital learning has changed the way people learn and has helped us to learn better.

I believe that the difference in digital knowledge does cause an effect. It will determine how we progress further. I feel that the way people relate to technology will definitely shape the future.

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Alexandra Samuel (2017). Opinion: Forget “Digital Natives.” Heres’s How Kids Are Really Using The Internet [online] Available:

FutureLearn. (2017). Page from Learning in the Network Age – University of Southampton. [online] Available at: 

FutureLearn. (2017). Page from Learning in the Network Age – University of Southampton. [online] Available at: 


What am I? Am I a Digital Resident or a Digital Visitor? Before deciding which one am I, let’s look into what they are individual.

Digital Resident

Digital Resident refers to someone who views the Web as a platform for them to share information and communicate with their friends and family about their daily life. Resident creates an online identity of themselves as they feel comfortable in expressing themselves on social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. The platforms provide them a sense of belonging in the virtual world.

Digital Visitor

Digital Visitor refers to someone who views the Web as a platform for them to use only when the need arises. Digital Visitor does not have an identity and appears anonymous to others. Visitor prefers to socialize face-to-face as compared to using online as a platform for socializing.


Digital Resident and Digital Visitor are the two extreme end of a spectrum. Living in the 21st century, technology has changed the way we communicate with one another. It is impossible to interact without the use of technology. However, every individual engages the Web differently.


Based on the self-test for the current level of digital literacy, I concluded that I am more of a “Visitor” than a “Resident”. In most of it, I rank myself low or close to no experience. Even though I use social media to communicate with my friends, I do not feel comfortable to express my personal opinion on the Web.

Living in this century with the fast-moving technologies, I have to improve my knowledge about the Web to be prepared for the future.

Through this module, I hope to understand more about the digital world and make use of the knowledge that I learnt in the future.

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White, D. S., & Cornu, A. L. (2011). Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement. (Accessed on 09/11/2017)

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